Available Services

I begin with a complimentary initial 15 minute consultation to discuss your individual needs and desires for this work and to answer any questions you might have for me.

If you are interested in continuing work together, additional sessions are one hour long and are typically scheduled on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. How long the process lasts is up to you and does not need to be determined at the start. While the structure of this work is dependent on your individual journey, most of the support I provide falls into one of four broad categories:

Pre-abortion support: Typically one or two sessions leading up to an abortion. These sessions are a chance for you to discuss your feelings about your forthcoming termination and preferences for how that termination will take place. I can provide information about different types of procedures and processes as well as resources during these sessions.

Pregnancy end concurrent support: This type of support involves me holding space for you while you experience your abortion or miscarriage. This typically involves being present via telephone while you experience a miscarriage or medical abortion in your own home. For those based in New York City, this may also include an in-person component, such as accompanying you to or picking you up from the clinic, or being with you in a healing space as you experience a medical abortion.

Post-abortion support: There is no timeline on processing your emotions, positive or negative, about an abortion. Nor is the process linear. A need for this care may not be recognized until weeks, months, or even years after the termination occurs. You may need only one session, or may desire more, with many folks choosing between three and seven sessions.

Pregnancy loss support: This care may be needed during a miscarriage or after a pregnancy has been lost. Due to the emergent nature of a miscarriage, there often is not time for this support to be scheduled during the event itself. Scheduling sessions for this care provides space for you to process your loss and develop techniques for self-care and soothing. As with post-abortion support, the desire for this type of care may arise at any time.

A Note about Partners

I do work with partners, but the initial consultation must be only with the person who is experiencing the pregnancy loss or termination in their own body. In the case of abortion support, I also reserve the first full session for the person having the abortion. Partners may join at a later date, if it feels appropriate to all parties involved.




Everyone is deserving of open, affirming care, regardless of financial circumstances. For this reason, I offer a sliding scale fee structure. I encourage you to pay as much as you are able, so that others with different financial realities may also access these services. The fees listed are per hour-long session.

Full Fee: $50.00

Partial Fee: $40.00

Reduced Fee: $25.00

If none of these options currently works for you, I still encourage you to reach out, to discuss alternate arrangements.