Providing the support I wish I’d had when I experienced pregnancy loss and abortion

When I found out that my pregnancy had stopped progressing, I thought that I had enough knowledge and support to make an informed decision about my care. Despite prior training in reproductive freedom and health, I quickly found myself overwhelmed by the emotional, logistical, and financial realities of obtaining the abortion I knew I wanted.

This experience crystalized and amplified my desire to support others in their pregnancy ending journeys, regardless of whether that end is chosen. My goal is to ensure that other pregnant people who need abortion care or are experiencing a miscarriage don’t feel as lost and unsupported by the system as I did.

If you are seeking an abortion, experiencing a pregnancy loss, or both, I can provide you with clear, factual information and offer techniques for managing your care - physical and emotional - without blame or judgement. I can also answer your questions about the process or simply be someone to talk with about your experience. I work with people throughout the cycle of this experience, including before abortion, and during and after abortion or miscarriage. There is no set timeframe for your emotional response to this experience. I personally needed additional support some seven months after my own miscarriage and abortion. Others need that support years later. There is no wrong way grieve or celebrate.

I strongly believe that anyone who seeks an abortion should be able to get one. I welcome all - regardless of sexual orientation, gender expression, racial identity, body type, or relationship status - into my practice and strive to be open and affirming in all aspects of this work.